There is a common misconception that we can only have one true soulmate and that this is the person we will marry and live with for all of our adult lives. In reality, there are many whom we encounter in this life, such as dear friends, family members, and lovers, who can all be construed as soulmates and not all of these relationships will be blissful or lifelong. Beyond uniting with a Soulmate lies the union of the Twin Flame or Twin Soul. Additionally, the Universe in all of it’s Divine wisdom, will always send us more than one option to choose from during the course of each lifetime . This is so we can exercise our free will, and assure our emotional and spiritual evolution .
Karmic Soulmates ~ These are the most common Soulmate. These are the Souls who have shared at least one previous incarnation together that concluded without resolving their “issues”. They meet up with each other again in a subsequent lifetime with the intent of working on any past lessons. These Soulmates are trying to rectify karmic debt they may have accumulated so they may have closure and move on. This type of relationship tends to be turbulent and can even acquire more karmic debt than it resolves. This is especially true if the participating Souls have not come to Love and accept themselves for who and what they truly are, Children of God.
Companion Soulmates ~ are those Souls that we pre-choose to establish a profoundly loving, fulfilling and enduring union with; to teach to, learn from, grow with, and be partners with for a lengthy duration - even a lifetime. This type of relationship is very comfortable, respectful, honest, supportive, affectionate, loving, and secure.
Soulmate Cusp ~ is when a couple teeters on the edge of becoming Karmic Soulmates or Companion Soulmates, but cannot really be classified as either one until certain events have transpired because no definitive pre-chosen spiritual goal was made. This in actuality is a “transitional” phase. Therefore, the term "Soulmate Cusp" indicates that in the end, the relationship could go either way.
Twin Soul or Twin Flame ~ This phenomena occurs when a singular spirit divides into two halves, the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine, at its inception by Source. Twin Flames, when partnered with Source/God, can have a profound effect on the world around them. When unified with the Divine energies of the Universe their union is almost always a union of service. Romance only serves as a distraction for this union.
There are Twin Soul/Flame unions that have endeavoured to step into the romantic realm.When this does occur, the relationship can be a challenge if there is an imbalance of self awareness on the human plane. If the Twin Flames are in complete balance a romantic relationship can be one of complete and utter passion and bliss.
Keep in mind, that you are exactly where you are supposed to be, that you are Loved, Protected, and Provided for unconditionally by the One who created you, and that all is in Divine time and perfect order.
Shine On Brilliant Stars