Lifting the veil of oppression requires courage, determination, and Love. Love of self, Love for the others who may be affected by the choices you have made that have brought you to this place of unwanted control, and Love for those who are in the misguided illusion that they are in control. Whether or not you realize this, YOU have been enabling them to hold your power for you. You have been disabling them from holding their soul essence in a place of priority creating an imbalance between personal respect and the feeling of significance. One of the basic needs of any being is certainty. Certainty of Love, personal safety, personal power, and acceptance. None of these can be fully attained from the outside world until they have been secured within the self. You innately know that you are Children of the Universe, that Creator energy flows through all of you infinitely and eternally. You are born with this knowledge and then through the experiences that occur in life, you forget how magnificent you truly are.
Returning to your God self is not as complicated as you make it. Go back, see who you were when you came into this Earth plane. You will see a Divine being perfect in every way. That is your true essence, your soul energy, your magnificence, your divinity, that is who you are, have been, and always will be.
Shine On Brilliant Stars!