There are times in my life that have burned their imprint in my mind…
My 7th birthday, my parents gave me surprise birthday party to celebrate my birthday and my release from a hospital …
The days my grandfather would sit on the basement steps and listen intently to me practicing my music…
When my first grandparent, my Mamie, passed away…
My first kiss…
The first time someone broke my heart….
The first time I looked into the eyes of the father of my child…
The day I was married to my daughter’s father…
Walking out on to the ice of the Philadelphia Spectrum to sing the American & Canadian national anthems in front of 17, 626 people…
The first time I totaled a car…
The day I was accepted into nursing school, but had to leave to take care of my mum…
Holding my mother’s hand as she passed away…
The blessed moment when I delivered Ivy Rose into this world…
Breast feeding my daughter…
Hearing Ivy’s first word….
My first trip to Australia…
Winning my first international sparring championship in Kempo Karate…
Ivy’s first day of school….
Moving to Australia and leaving the US behind…
Feeling my legs for the first time in 5 years….
Standing up for myself to the doctors who wanted to give me 18 more radiation treatments for breast cancer, when I knew I was healed…
Seeing my first client as an Energetic Healer…
Watching him take all of my material possessions and saying to him, “If it gives you joy, take it.”
Sitting the lounge, on the floor, with no lights on and feeling free…
Realizing that I have the most amazing friends, and that I am never alone…
Meeting you…
These moments have shaped my life, these memories will refine me, I hope I have learned from my mistakes, and that I will continue to cherish those beautiful moments of this life.
Life is what we make of it, we can choose to embrace it, or resist it. The choice is always ours…
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