There is something that is shifting within me. I am coming to terms with the fact that all of this learning, the pain, the joy, the Loves, the challenges, the devastating losses, the inter-continental moves, the physical and emotional restructuring, have all been part of the re-birth of who I am. Each experience has given me a tool, another piece of “weaponry”, to add to the arsenal that I will use to assist me in creating the life I truly deserve.
There are moments when the clarity is surreal; when there is no doubt and everything fits into place perfectly. That is when I know that I am in complete rapport with my higher self. I am totally and utterly present with my Soul. This is when whatever I focus upon manifests very quickly and efficiently. Time stands still and all sound quiets its self so I can hear the guidance that I am receiving. What an amazing blessing these time are. I cannot express the intensity of the appreciation that I feel within my body. It resonates throughout my entire being. This is Love. Love of self, Love of this existence, Love of this amazing planet we live on, Love for all that I have yet to experience within the inner and outer Universes.
There are people in my life who have been placed there to teach me how to use these tools I have been given. They are here to guide me through the darkest places and shine Light into situations that I would have, in the past, run from. For the most part, I am fearless. I have walked through spaces in this life that most will never see. I know, with all certainty, that these were a part of the teachings of this life. I am incomplete and I honour that now. There are no mistakes. There is no coincidence. There is only the plan that we have laid out for ourselves before we incarnate on to this planet. We have chosen everything that we will encounter in this life; If not directly by choice, then through our actions in past incarnations that have acquired karmic debt that we have chosen to resolve. We are completely and utterly responsible for all of our thoughts and actions. There is nothing left to chance. We are the creators of our own destiny. Our Creator has given us this gift. Some call it freewill and add connotations of dissention against us if we use it. Freewill was given to us to be co-creators with our Creator in this life. It manifests as the ability to see the patterns of energy, feel the energetic connection between emotion and energy, and use it to benefit ourselves here on Earth. Freewill, personal choice and self-acceleration are all the same concept, the concept of growth. Growth is the result of having enough faith in yourself to take on your freewill and use it for your highest good. This is not to be confused with egoic action. The ego persistently prevents growth. This is in relation to spiritual and emotional growth. The ego is very happy just where it is, but only for as long as we allow it to control us.
It is time for us to move on, and continue the journey that is set before us. I am filled with blissful anticipation of the wonders that are filling my life path. Spread your wings and fly. Come join me as we raise the vibration of this planet one beautiful being at a time.
Artwork by Ashley Christudason
Constance I found this blog to be truly inspiring and very well said! I don't think it is possible to agree more with you.