Recognizing Flow
When you hear about being in the state of flow, what does that mean to you? What are the circumstances that show you that you are experiencing flow? Where and how does it feel? Can you pinpoint a place in your body that is like your barometer of flow for you?
Being in a state of flow means different things to different people; it is all based on what or who they are aligned with and where their focus is. If you are focused on relationships, your state of flow might reflect the condition of your current relationships and if you are continuing to attract the same qualities in meeting new people. Are you attracting people who support your current relationships and add value to your life? If the focus is on creating financial wealth, the state of flow would be reflected in the amount and quality of opportunities presenting themselves; as well as what the outcomes of these opportunities are. Are you truly in alignment with the type of financial wealth you are wanting to create? What are the types of opportunities that are coming to you reflecting to you? Are they moving you forward or are they showing you that you have not yet set your standards high enough?
When we are in flow, it looks as though everything is working. Our emotional life is stable, we are physically healthy and we feel a sense of joy about our lives. Our body reacts to outside stimuli in an appropriate and concise manner. Our health, our mind, and our spirit all benefit from these abundant times. In turn, our health, mind, and spirit also tell us when we are not in flow, when we are out of alignment, out of flow. Usually, there is one area of your body, one body system that will signal you when you are in and out of flow. For some the heart and throat chakras are the indicators, other people report their solar plexus and abdominal chakras to be the areas that communicate this to them. To be able to recognize this takes practice. You must find the awareness of the messages that your body is sending to you, correlate these messages with your current situation, and you will soon learn how your body reacts to being in and out of flow.