How is it, that one can be so spiritually developed but yet still have the “need” for physical contact you ask? Is this “need” related to an issue of lack, or is it simply a basic human need. It is only when you, as a human, judge your physical interactions as immoral, that you cause yourself distress and anxiety about your actions. We would say that your in-action on the topic of your desire is what leads you to create situations that your soul is not in alignment with. Thus, you feel the dissonance in the vibration of the event and your fear of not being regarded as moral causes you to judge yourself and others who have participated in this behaviour.
Of course, in your human form, you have physical desire for touch, stimulation, sex, caressing and the like. This is normal. It serves you in many ways. It grounds you, gives your body hormones that are necessary for balanced functions of your brain, heart, and various other organs, not to mention keeping your body flexible and your joints well lubricated. But what of the mental distress you cause yourself through judgement?
Expectation, attachment, and judgement are all related. If you decide to fill your need for physical contact with an experience and then condemn yourself for it, why do it in the first place? Wasn’t the point to bring a bit of pleasure into your life? When you engage in any aspect of Love, whether it be physical or emotional, and you carry expectations into the interaction, you are setting yourself up for disappointment, and this interaction is coming from a place of an imbalance within yourself. Not to mention that this type of interaction is not unconditional. The conditions of, “If I engage with you and you don’t continue to spend time with me, I will not keep you in my life”; and the like, create an imbalance within your heart space not only for yourself, but towards the others.
Next time you have this desire, be sure to ask yourself, “Am I craving physical contact, or the feeling of Love that physical contact brings?” If it is the comfort and pleasure that physical stimulation brings and you decide to act upon that desire, be sure to leave expectation and attachment at the door. This will alleviate the “morning after syndrome”. If it is the feeling of Love that you are seeking, evaluate the external situation, and then decide if engaging in physical contact will give you that feeling. If not and you are willing to seek another way to fill that void, go for it.
Save yourself heartache and self-degradation, be true to who you are, and SHINE.
Shine On Brilliant Stars
Arch Angel Gabriel
Channelled through Constance Fairleight.
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