Monday, December 26, 2011

New Patterns, New Year

Is it the rejection of the Soul to be humble or is it a process of the ego?  Is this about humility at all? The definition of humility is –
The state or quality of being humble; freedom from pride and arrogance; lowliness of mind; a modest estimate of one's own worth; a sense of one's own unworthiness through imperfection and sinfulness; self-abasement; humbleness. An act of submission or courtesy.

 In the past few days I have felt a huge mix of emotions and have had a deluge of experiences related to judgement of self and others, which is not pretty or enlightened, and a feeling of resistance to change and letting it all go. This usually occurs for me when I am gaining access to a new level of consciousness.  Now, seeing as it’s the end of 2011 and I intentionally set out to get clear for next year, Universe is now providing all that I need to create this new state of energetic cleanliness. GREAT! If that sounded or felt sarcastic it was, on one level anyway. This challenge has brought up old, old, and very deep seeded emotion. Stuff that I thought might have melted away, miraculously!  . . . Big overzealous laugh there!!! . . . I didn’t really think that it would all just go away.  I just swept in deep into the bowels of my emotional waste and left it there to fester. But it is now time to process this new level of poo and rid myself and my auric field of the toxins that the decaying patterns have created.

So instead of humility being the answer as was in the old pattern, how about I try LOVE.  Love for myself, in that I AM a spiritual being, processing this Earth bound experience as a human being. I am not perfect. Perfection would mean that my learning is over and so I would be leaving this place momentarily, and I have a knowing that this is not the case. Loving myself at the moment would mean to let go of the drama that comes with others judging me and my choices, as well as the drama and detriment that judgement of others causes myself and those involved. Loving myself and others means knowing that all is perfect and divine at this precise moment in time and that all will continue to be so.

As far as those “old, old decaying patterns of self - judgement “ go, I will set the intention to create new patterns of Love and acceptance for myself and others; Speaking only with Love and compassion about myself and those in my experience. This will not only assuage the feelings of anxiety and upheaval, it will raise my personal vibration to the next level.

Thank you to all who have provided the reflections that have made this growth possible.

2012 is going to be AMAZING!

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