With the continuing evolution of the human species, and we are evolving, the incidence of ADHD, ASD, and food intolerances, among other anomalies, have greatly increased. The children who are coming into this world are coming into a 3 dimensional linear existence that is bridging into the 4th and 5th dimensions at an accelerated rate. They are arriving here on planet Earth with a very different level of consciousness, and a higher vibrational frequency than did their parents and grandparents. They are more highly evolved and have a finer physical constitution. We are seeing more and more children being labeled as having behavioural problems, learning dis-orders, and physical dis-abilities. Is it that the incidence of these manifestations are truly increasing, or are we just more aware of them? If they are indeed on the rise, it is up to us as their parents and caretakers to find out what is causing these challenges for our children and create a more Loving and nurturing space for them to exist in.
The disconnect that is observed in these children may be exacerbated by environmental factors such as foods, chemicals in their living space, medicines, and pollution of this amazing planet. Whatever the cause of their dis-stress may be, the effect is on the entire family. With the resulting stress, more and more, children are being shut out, and closed off; giving them a sense that they are not valued and this causes them to shut down and tune out. These children need to feel as though they are accepted and loved unconditionally, just as any other child would. The use of aromatherapy to relieve stress in their environment is a subtle and natural way of balancing the energy. Infusing the air with Essential Oils such as Lavender or burning Cedar wood, Sandalwood and Orange Blossom incense calms and soothes stress and agitation. Sound has a definite effect on concentration and stress levels. Using ambient music to soften the tone of the space around your home will assist you child with being able to stay centered and in a more peaceful state. Also, the sound of water fountains has proven to have a calming effect. Using a small water fountain in their bedroom will enhance relaxation and encourage more restful sleep. Whether they exhibit physical dis-ability or have mental or emotional challenges, these children can be very creative. Given the opportunity to use their innate abilities to connect to their creative self, their expression of who they truly are becomes apparent. This type of expression must be encouraged and replace the negative attention that is given to the behaviours that are distracting. By encouraging and empowering our children, we are creating a world that is full of possibilities not only for them, but for all generations here on Earth.
Humanity, as a species, in its continuing pursuit to grow and become more aware of who and what we really are, is raising the personal vibrational frequencies thus elevating the vibration of the planet. With the elevation of these frequencies, these very special children will be able to be whom and what they truly are without fear or judgment.
We have chosen to come into this life as their parents and caretakers; we must do the best we can for them. Our children are our future and they have much to teach us.
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copyright August 31, 2009 Constance J Thompson