Monday, August 31, 2009


When faced with the consequences of the choices of other souls it may seem overwhelming. This is a result of the desire to hold on to control over your circumstances, an egoic state of mind. The energy that is imposed upon you by the results of their choices may not necessarily resonate with your vibrational frequency at that time. We ask that you become the observer in these times. Be the watcher not the watched. Remember, that emotion equates to energy in motion. In resisting the natural flow of life there are blockages that occur, leading to that energy losing its motion; creating dis-stress, and the lowering of your personal vibration. This can have various physical manifestations, such as mental stress and physical dis-ease.

If you find yourself at the point of feeling as though you can handle no more, let go. Give it back to Universe, because in reality it never really was yours to handle. Source energy, Universe, Great Spirit, God, is always there to assist you in all of your endeavours, challenges, and achievements. You are never alone. And most of all remember to BREATHE.

Shine On Brilliant Stars

ADHD, ASD, or Indigo/Crystalline Beings? The New Generation of Children on Earth

With the continuing evolution of the human species, and we are evolving, the incidence of ADHD, ASD, and food intolerances, among other anomalies, have greatly increased. The children who are coming into this world are coming into a 3 dimensional linear existence that is bridging into the 4th and 5th dimensions at an accelerated rate. They are arriving here on planet Earth with a very different level of consciousness, and a higher vibrational frequency than did their parents and grandparents. They are more highly evolved and have a finer physical constitution. We are seeing more and more children being labeled as having behavioural problems, learning dis-orders, and physical dis-abilities. Is it that the incidence of these manifestations are truly increasing, or are we just more aware of them? If they are indeed on the rise, it is up to us as their parents and caretakers to find out what is causing these challenges for our children and create a more Loving and nurturing space for them to exist in.

The disconnect that is observed in these children may be exacerbated by environmental factors such as foods, chemicals in their living space, medicines, and pollution of this amazing planet. Whatever the cause of their dis-stress may be, the effect is on the entire family. With the resulting stress, more and more, children are being shut out, and closed off; giving them a sense that they are not valued and this causes them to shut down and tune out. These children need to feel as though they are accepted and loved unconditionally, just as any other child would. The use of aromatherapy to relieve stress in their environment is a subtle and natural way of balancing the energy. Infusing the air with Essential Oils such as Lavender or burning Cedar wood, Sandalwood and Orange Blossom incense calms and soothes stress and agitation. Sound has a definite effect on concentration and stress levels. Using ambient music to soften the tone of the space around your home will assist you child with being able to stay centered and in a more peaceful state. Also, the sound of water fountains has proven to have a calming effect. Using a small water fountain in their bedroom will enhance relaxation and encourage more restful sleep. Whether they exhibit physical dis-ability or have mental or emotional challenges, these children can be very creative. Given the opportunity to use their innate abilities to connect to their creative self, their expression of who they truly are becomes apparent. This type of expression must be encouraged and replace the negative attention that is given to the behaviours that are distracting. By encouraging and empowering our children, we are creating a world that is full of possibilities not only for them, but for all generations here on Earth.

Humanity, as a species, in its continuing pursuit to grow and become more aware of who and what we really are, is raising the personal vibrational frequencies thus elevating the vibration of the planet. With the elevation of these frequencies, these very special children will be able to be whom and what they truly are without fear or judgment.

We have chosen to come into this life as their parents and caretakers; we must do the best we can for them. Our children are our future and they have much to teach us.

For more information:

copyright August 31, 2009 Constance J Thompson

Sunday, August 30, 2009


It is time for us to leave this plane,to accept that we are more than our flesh and bone, that in the concept of the third dimension we can no longer exist. To stay here is resistance, and resistance in this physical plane will end the earthly prescence. For we have chosen to be the guiding Light on this Earth bound presentation and here we are to guide those who are asking for assistance with ascending. It is not ours to question who will ascend it is only ours to see that all who are ready to ascend and ask for assistance we do assist. We are the Divine incarnate. It is through this physical vehicle that you have chosen to do this work and in this vehicle you must see a temple of Light. It is being reconstructed to perform at the highest vibrational frequency possible to radiate the Divine light/lifeforce needed to complete the ascension process. Yes, you are the vehicle, Yes, you are the embodiment of who you call God. Yes, you are the created and creator in one. Yes ,you are Divine. The “I am” in you is the “I am” you seek. What is within is without, and what is without is within. Yes, you are a blessing of Universal Light and Love. Blessed are you and all who perceive you. Yes, you are Light. Yes you are Love, Yes.

Shine On Brilliant Stars

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Fulfilling Your Purpose

I am free to be all that I chose to be in this lifetime. Nothing can hold me back from completing the necessary steps that will manifest my soul’s desired outcome. I accept that there will be challenges along my path, but I will not allow them to detract from the presence that I have to fulfill my purpose.

Shine On Brilliant Stars

Monday, August 24, 2009


Inspiration comes in many forms and from many sources. Each and every day you create inspiring experiences to assist you in creating the life you are desiring. You may find inspiration in watching Nature unfold before your eyes. You may find inspiration in the words of another being. You may find inspiration in witnessing the random acts of kindness around you. All of these sources of inspiration are related to the higher vibrational frequencies of your existence. Inspiration can also be found in situations that are not what you would generally consider pleasant. When you find yourself in a challenging situation, what about that situation can you draw from, learn from, be inspired to exact change from? This is how you create a life that is based on finding the inspiration, the Joy in all events. It is not to say that you will never experience what you call pain. This “feeling” is a reminder to you to seek the knowledge that can be accessed by this experience. And when you can “see” the underlying message, or life lesson, find first the gratitude for the experience, then the Appreciation for it, and then move to the position of being the observer of your experience and see and feel the inspiration that has been made available to you. You are Children of God, blessed Creators, divine beings, who are just where your should be at just the right time. Love yourselves as you are Loved by your Creator.

Shine On Brilliant Stars

You are the Creator of Your own Happiness

The relationship between you and your happiness is exactly and your happiness. No one else is responsible for your happiness other than you, and "happiness" can be relative to your current circumstances. No other outside energy can create it and no other outside energy can take it away. You create your own experiences, your reality is your own creation. You are amazing creators. Create the life your HEART truly desires by finding the Joy in every experience. Finding your bliss is right there at your fingertips, you just have to be clear on what you really want and then go about creating it. Love and Light to you all.

Shine On Brilliant Stars

What is Worthlessness?

The belief that one is worthless is a denial of the absolute fact that you are a complete and perfect representation of Source. To come to an understanding with yourself about what you are truly worth, is coming to terms with the alignment of your soul and your physicality, your God self and your human self. It is always a journey and always in Divine order.

Shine on Brilliant Stars

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Connection Between Being Present and Living in Bliss

There is a definite connection between being present and living in bliss. Find the Joy and Blessings in every situation and you begin to create the life your heart truly desires.

Shine on Brilliant Stars

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

In this financial structure if we, the Lightworkers, allow the 96% of all of the financial wealth to be made by those who do not have peace in their hearts we deny ourselves the chance to fulfill our purpose. I do not particularly subscribe to the components of this financial process but I know that we cannot not be as effective in creating change from our living rooms as we can by infiltrating the wealth of the planet. We can create peace and harmony on this amazing planet by creating a system based on "Living from within".

Shine On Brilliant Stars

The Wonder of Gaia

As I sit in the wonder of this beautiful land, I feel the love from Mother Earth and Father Sky. They tell me that no matter how small I feel in the grand scheme of things, that every part of me is a part of them, and all at once the awesome energy of all the Grandfather Creator’s energies I am within.

Today is a blessed day. For all eternity, today changes are made. From this day forward there is no fear. The path has been cleared for the success of the wanderer.

Shine On Brilliant Stars

Monday, August 17, 2009

At the Beginning...

When starting a journey you must have a starting point, a place or space that you begin from. For some, this is a place that is likened to rock bottom, where there is no other way except “up”. That was where I began my spiritual journey. I experienced what they call a complete “shift” in my energy, my well-being, my life in general. I have gratitude in my heart now where there was fear, pain and guilt. I am on a path to physical well-being after many years of mental, emotional and physical degeneration. I am sharing this with the world so that those out there who are just beginning their journey or who are feeling like they don’t know where to start; can find solace in knowing that they are not alone. When they see where I have come from, where I am now, and where I am going, they will know beyond a shadow of a doubt ; that all things are possible and all things can be healed.

This will be an ongoing blog intermingled with channelled writings and other inspirational quotes. My purpose for writing this blog is to inspire and empower all of the magnificent Souls who are drawn to this space.

May you be blessed with Love, Light, & Appreciation,

Constance Fairleight

The Ego and the Mind Versus the Heart and Soul

What is it that drives us to distraction? Ego, the mind, lack of faith and determination in succeeding in fulfilling our soul's purpose? Take a deep breath and as you are releasing the breath release what ever comes into your mind at that precise moment. Life is full of little distractions. These are caused by the mind and ego to keep your Heart and Soul in control.

Be the Watcher of your mind not the watched by the mind.
Be the observer of your ego not the observation of the ego.

Let your Heart and Soul guide you through the beauty and the challenges of this life. For these are all lessons your Soul has chosen to experience.

Shine On Brilliant Stars

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Today's message

Be not what you think you should be, be exactly who you are. Be true to yourself and others, be your authentic self. You are amazing!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

"Why do I feel so disconnected...???"

There are many of you who have been asking the question, “Why do I feel so disconnected, so lost?”

In these times of accelerated learning on the spiritual and energetic levels, in your human existence, there are times when you will reach a certain level before those in your close proximity. And therefore, you will not resonate congruently with those who are not on the same path or who are, but who have not yet accessed the same vibrational frequencies that you have acquired. Also, you will find that there is a “dying” of the old layers of your energetic self. Circumstances and associations that once served you will no longer “feel” right. There is no blame, just acceptance of who you have been, who you are now and who you are becoming.

We wish to say Thank you to you for excepting, with faith, that you are unconditionally Loved, Protected and Provided for. You are held in the palm of the hand of the One who created you and there NOTHING can harm you. So we say, let go of your fear. For fear is not of the same vibrational frequency as Love. And you cannot live completely in Love if you have fear.

Know that all things occur in Divine time, and you are exactly where you should be in your ever expanding Universe, but most of all, know that as a Child of God, you are Loved without condition.

Shine On Brilliant Stars

Friday, August 14, 2009

Is this why I am here?
To see the good in anything bad
To give a bright smile to someone who’s sad
To Love far beyond what I thought I could feel
To find joy in sadness and except bliss as real
To know without doubt that I am never alone
To seek comfort in knowing, they always come home
To be there in time of trouble and strife
To know what it really means, to be a “good wife”
To hold my head up when really I’m down
To see the goodness when it’s hard to be found
To know there is sorrow but never defeat
To teach them the blessings in all that they see
This life is a journey that is amazing indeed
I know in my heart I am never in need
I give thanks and all glory to the heavens above
To know that I have taught them, unconditional Love.

Love is eternal, Love transcends all space and time, Love never forgets, Love sees the hearts true essence, Love is unconditional, Love sees no reason to blame or hold a grudge, Love is sacred energy that needs not form, Love is all there really is.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Reaching the point where you look at your life in the present, “being the observer”, can be inspiring and confronting at the same time. Just when I think I have reached the level I desire, I see that there is so much more I want and can achieve. I am not just speaking about manifesting financial wealth; I am speaking of truly making changes in my life so as to be able to be the change in the world around me. I have found myself of late speaking to so many different beings about what they truly desire, what would make their lives congruent with their soul choices, what would assist them with moving forward and letting go.
In the events of the last few weeks, I have encountered many who have come to this place in their journey here on this beautiful planet Earth. So many of us have reached a new plateau in our evolvement and have been significantly challenged as a result. These challenges are the impetus for increased and ever growing change. Believing that we have stepped into our “new shoes” is not enough. We must all continue to learn and grow in every aspect of this linear existence to acquire the necessary knowledge to be the change as well as the observer.
I look forward to sharing this journey with all of you. It is an honour to be walking the same path with you and I invite you to share your experiences with me and the rest of the world. Together we can make a difference. Together we can manifest positive change on this miraculous planet we call home. Together we are one with each other and the Universe.
Light, Love, & Appreciation,
As a very young child, her mother and grandmother both recognized that Constance was gifted. She was a precious little girl with knowledge of things way beyond the scope of her life experience. Now, as a fourth generation Intuitive Healer, Constance offers empowerment and support to assist one's who wish to create the life they truly desire through spiritual, emotional, and physical wellbeing. At the age of 9, she was becoming more aware of her gifts. Having visions and “seeing” events beyond the present, made for a very interesting childhood. She first warned her father of an incident that would take place on his way home from work. She gave him the exact location and from which direction the other vehicle would come from. Unfortunately for him, he did not heed the advice and consequently the incident did occur just as she had predicted. The only words he could utter to her the next time he saw here were, “I will never doubt you again.”Her journey continued throughout her life and brought her here to Australia. When arriving in Australia, doctors told her she would be in a wheel chair within 6 months. With determination and faith she put herself at ease and began self healing and sharing her gifts with others. Her focus is on empowering people to create the life they truly desire by assisting them with developing the skill sets they need through Spiritual Healing and Physical Energetic Healing. It is through Intuitive Messaging, Reiki, Crystal Healing, Chakra Balancing and most importantly the impetus of the one seeking the healing, that makes this possible for her clients.Today, she is married to a fine gentleman, has a beautiful daughter, is fully active and participating in life, and serving her purpose as an Intuitive, Shamanic Healer & Reiki Practitioner.