When faced with the consequences of the choices of other souls it may seem overwhelming. This is a result of the desire to hold on to control over your circumstances, an egoic state of mind. The energy that is imposed upon you by the results of their choices may not necessarily resonate with your vibrational frequency at that time. We ask that you become the observer in these times. Be the watcher not the watched. Remember, that emotion equates to energy in motion. In resisting the natural flow of life there are blockages that occur, leading to that energy losing its motion; creating dis-stress, and the lowering of your personal vibration. This can have various physical manifestations, such as mental stress and physical dis-ease.
If you find yourself at the point of feeling as though you can handle no more, let go. Give it back to Universe, because in reality it never really was yours to handle. Source energy, Universe, Great Spirit, God, is always there to assist you in all of your endeavours, challenges, and achievements. You are never alone. And most of all remember to BREATHE.
Shine On Brilliant Stars
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