There are many of you who have been asking the question, “Why do I feel so disconnected, so lost?”
In these times of accelerated learning on the spiritual and energetic levels, in your human existence, there are times when you will reach a certain level before those in your close proximity. And therefore, you will not resonate congruently with those who are not on the same path or who are, but who have not yet accessed the same vibrational frequencies that you have acquired. Also, you will find that there is a “dying” of the old layers of your energetic self. Circumstances and associations that once served you will no longer “feel” right. There is no blame, just acceptance of who you have been, who you are now and who you are becoming.
We wish to say Thank you to you for excepting, with faith, that you are unconditionally Loved, Protected and Provided for. You are held in the palm of the hand of the One who created you and there NOTHING can harm you. So we say, let go of your fear. For fear is not of the same vibrational frequency as Love. And you cannot live completely in Love if you have fear.
Know that all things occur in Divine time, and you are exactly where you should be in your ever expanding Universe, but most of all, know that as a Child of God, you are Loved without condition.
Shine On Brilliant Stars
Dark tunnels can seem endless but the knowingness of enlightened existence being infinitely present helps to dissolve fear into the oceanic oneness of all that is....love.