Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Weather and You

The occurrence of the equinox together with the severe weather that has been affecting Australia is no co-incidence. The energy of the equinox is that of change. A time for going inside and letting go of the old patterns and beliefs that have bound you to the old energies. These energies are lower in vibrational frequency than where you are at now. At each and every equinox there is a shift, a re-alignment. This is how Mother Earth and her Galactic neighbours clean house.

There are many of you who have been experiencing the condition of feeling un-well. This too is a clearing. This clearing is of the physical body, ridding it of energy and circumstances that do not serve you anymore. This also is a stimulation of systems that need to be awakened to sustain your human vehicle for the higher vibrating energies that have now reached Earth and it general population. No longer are the Lightworkers the only ones to be affected. The Children of the Light are no longer holding the energy for the masses. You, each and every one of you, are now totally responsible for your own vibration, your own choices. These forms of un-wellness will dissipate with the release of the resistance you are carrying. It is not the plan for you to continue to experience discomfort. It is the plan, for you to be joyful and in complete peace and comfort. This occurs as you continue to raise your personal vibration and release the old energies that do not compliment you anymore.

The winds, rain and drought, are all cyclical events that cleanse and purify Mother Earth. Yes, we do implore you to assist her in the healing that imminently needs to occur. But we assure you that healing is occurring with or without your assistance. These events are also physical manifestations of the cleansing of the energies of the population of Gaia. As the powerful wind presses through your area, it is sweeping your environment, your energetic fields clean. The coating of Earth that has come across the Lower sections of Australia is acting as a grounding process. These areas have become saturated with denser energies that will now be removed and rebirthed as positive energy for the healing of man and Mother Earth. It will also assist those who have chosen to leave this plane to do so. This is not to be feared. It is all part of the Divine plan that each and every one of you chose before you were born to this planet.

There is no co-incidence in the colours that were seen during the dust storms that have occurred over the lower portions of Australia. The colours of the lower chakras were brought to your attention, as these are the areas in most need of cleansing and balance. Doing meditation and grounding exercises will be most helpful now. Refining your dietary intake will also assist you at this time. More live foods, less or no caffeine, higher protein from vegetables, will not only stimulate your immune system, but will assist you in healing your physical bodies. Many of you have been experiencing neurological discomforts. Such as, tingling in your extremities, muscular tension, and elevated stress levels. Increasing your B vitamin intake will help these “symptoms” to subside, as will the grounding exercises we have already discussed. Also, resting and getting at least 8 hours of sleep a night is very important.

We see how much work you have been doing on yourselves and we want you to know that we are assisting you with all that you need to complete this ascension period as always. You are exactly where you are in perfect and Divine order. There is no need or room for fear or doubt. You are being Loved, Protected, and Provided for unconditionally, by the One who created you. You are Amazing!

Shine On Brilliant Stars

Listening to Your Inner Voice

Listening to that inner voice, which is your intuition, or your God voice, is so important especially now. The energy shifts that are occurring as quickly as they are now are proof that you are merging into the 4th and 5th dimensions. Here you will be able to use your intuition to guide you through these changes into your new lives and eventually it will be the source of your highest form of communication. When you "sense" that innate knowing of what a person, place or situation, "feels" like, you are being guided by your higher selves. If you follow this you will never be lead astray. As children you are all born with these innate gifts. Some of you lose sight of them; while others continue to develop and refine them. It is coming to a time where these innate skill sets will be required to survive. The Lightworkers, Wayshowers, Sages, etc. are all at the leading edge of creating new communities that the new societies will be built upon.

It is at this unique moment in time when you are being asked at the highest levels to initiate your higher levels of thought and communication; to seek out your innate gifts and step into your purpose. Children of God, each and everyone seek the Light within you and all around you. You are the reflection of your Creator, Great Spirit God. Let the Love of the One,your Creator shine brilliantly in all that you do.

Shine On Brilliant Stars

Sunday, September 20, 2009

One by One

One by one you are creating change. One by one you are standing side by side to build what they have broken down. One by one, hand in hand, you are sending out the message they don’t want you to send. One by one you are stronger than ever. One by one you will never have to stand alone. One by one the walls are coming down. One by one the shackles are being broken. One by one you are accepting the magnificence of YOU. One by one you are receiving. One by one you are giving. One by one, you are using you voices to sing to the Heavens. We hear all of you, and we say CONTINUE, YOU ARE AMAZING!

Shine On Brilliant Stars

Under the Stars

I want Love like I have had before. The Love I had with you. I want to be in your arms. I want to taste your lips. I want to feel you so close that we melt into one another. I want my heart to beat as one with yours. I see in your eyes the Love of many lifetimes, can you see the same in mine? I know that when I look up into the night sky that I now see the same stars as you do. I ache at the mention of your name. This ache is more than I can take now. The last time you held me, you promised you would find your way back to me. I am right here. Turn around and see me. See my heart. Can we walk this path together? Can we teach what we have learned to others, under the Lights that we have left behind for awhile? We both are longing for the same thing, connection. We can start with us. We can reconnect, and Home won’t feel so far away.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Letting Go of Resistance

Resisting the inevitable creates distortion in your personal vibrational frequency, a lack of focus in your purpose, and can result in physical and emotional pain. It is not our objective to observe you go through any un-necessary dis-comfort. It IS our desire to assist you in creating the life your heart truly desires.

If you break down what resistance really is, it is the ego, or the mind, taking control over the heart. It is the process of the thinking mind controlling the feeling heart. If you listen to the way you feel about a person, place, situation, or thing, you will find that any situation concerning these subjects can easily be sorted through and resolved in a Loving and peaceful way. This is true for personal and business relationships, as well as relations between cities, states, countries, and governments. This may sound very Light and easy, and we say Yes it is. Dramas, disagreements, arguments and wars are all manifestations of the egos involved, certainly not the heart spaces of those who are deliberating such things. When Presidents, and Prime Ministers, teachers and students, parents and children, and husbands and wives come together, and speak their truth from their heart, the outcome is beneficial to all parties involved. This is what this time of Ascension is all about. During this learning time you are raising the vibration of yourselves and your beautiful and amazing planet. There are some who are choosing to leave rather then make the necessary adjustments in their ways of being. Each one of you is solely responsible for your own Ascension. That is not to say that we are not here to assist you. Because, as we have stated in previous messages, as Children of God, you are held in the palm of the hand of the One who created you; and there you are Loved, Protected, and Provided for unconditionally and in Divine order. You are never alone.

Shine On Brilliant Stars

Monday, September 7, 2009


Hello Brilliant Stars it is time to come together and move beyond the limitations of your 3 dimensional linear existence. Many of you have accessed the higher vibrational frequencies of Universal Light. This has resulted in many forms of change in your lives and the lives of those around you. Some of you may know these changes as “Ascension Symptoms”. These “symptoms” range from emotional transformation and physical sensations, to those of you having a large shift in abundance and many of you have experienced quite a few souls around you choosing to depart at this time. As you, the Lightworkers, on Planet Earth, strive to raise the consciousness of humanity; you are raising the vibrational frequencies far and wide across your beautiful Gaia. This work that you are doing is greatly appreciated and many wonderful expressions of Love and Gratitude are coming to you from your Universal Light Source, Great Spirit, God, Creator of All. There are so many of you that have chosen to partake in this miraculous transformation, The Company of Heaven wishes to thank you. On the 9th of the 9th of 2009 we are sending a great surge of Light Energy to you. This influx of Light is to replenish the reserves that you have been relying on as you have stretched yourselves, some beyond your limit. We see many of you reaching a physical boundary. In your humanness, there are physical limitations still present at this time. These are not to be feared or thought of to be permanent. With the elevation of the frequencies on your planet, your genetic/DNA structures are changing. For some of you this has already started to occur, thus the physical discomfort that some of you have experienced. This will pass. As the energies become held steadfast in your planets heart center so will they be held in the heart center of humanity. Yes, you will see a great uprising to attempt to stifle the changes that are occurring on planet Earth, but with so many of you, already standing in the Light, there will be many to follow your lead and an overall restructuring will occur. You have come so far and we will be there to continue the journey with you. Seek Love in its purest form. Live from a place of Love that is centered in your heart space. Know that we are sending you everything you need to complete the task at hand. You are Loved, protected and provided for unconditionally by Source.

Shine On Brilliant Stars