The occurrence of the equinox together with the severe weather that has been affecting Australia is no co-incidence. The energy of the equinox is that of change. A time for going inside and letting go of the old patterns and beliefs that have bound you to the old energies. These energies are lower in vibrational frequency than where you are at now. At each and every equinox there is a shift, a re-alignment. This is how Mother Earth and her Galactic neighbours clean house.
There are many of you who have been experiencing the condition of feeling un-well. This too is a clearing. This clearing is of the physical body, ridding it of energy and circumstances that do not serve you anymore. This also is a stimulation of systems that need to be awakened to sustain your human vehicle for the higher vibrating energies that have now reached Earth and it general population. No longer are the Lightworkers the only ones to be affected. The Children of the Light are no longer holding the energy for the masses. You, each and every one of you, are now totally responsible for your own vibration, your own choices. These forms of un-wellness will dissipate with the release of the resistance you are carrying. It is not the plan for you to continue to experience discomfort. It is the plan, for you to be joyful and in complete peace and comfort. This occurs as you continue to raise your personal vibration and release the old energies that do not compliment you anymore.
The winds, rain and drought, are all cyclical events that cleanse and purify Mother Earth. Yes, we do implore you to assist her in the healing that imminently needs to occur. But we assure you that healing is occurring with or without your assistance. These events are also physical manifestations of the cleansing of the energies of the population of Gaia. As the powerful wind presses through your area, it is sweeping your environment, your energetic fields clean. The coating of Earth that has come across the Lower sections of Australia is acting as a grounding process. These areas have become saturated with denser energies that will now be removed and rebirthed as positive energy for the healing of man and Mother Earth. It will also assist those who have chosen to leave this plane to do so. This is not to be feared. It is all part of the Divine plan that each and every one of you chose before you were born to this planet.
There is no co-incidence in the colours that were seen during the dust storms that have occurred over the lower portions of Australia. The colours of the lower chakras were brought to your attention, as these are the areas in most need of cleansing and balance. Doing meditation and grounding exercises will be most helpful now. Refining your dietary intake will also assist you at this time. More live foods, less or no caffeine, higher protein from vegetables, will not only stimulate your immune system, but will assist you in healing your physical bodies. Many of you have been experiencing neurological discomforts. Such as, tingling in your extremities, muscular tension, and elevated stress levels. Increasing your B vitamin intake will help these “symptoms” to subside, as will the grounding exercises we have already discussed. Also, resting and getting at least 8 hours of sleep a night is very important.
We see how much work you have been doing on yourselves and we want you to know that we are assisting you with all that you need to complete this ascension period as always. You are exactly where you are in perfect and Divine order. There is no need or room for fear or doubt. You are being Loved, Protected, and Provided for unconditionally, by the One who created you. You are Amazing!
Shine On Brilliant Stars