Hello Brilliant Stars it is time to come together and move beyond the limitations of your 3 dimensional linear existence. Many of you have accessed the higher vibrational frequencies of Universal Light. This has resulted in many forms of change in your lives and the lives of those around you. Some of you may know these changes as “Ascension Symptoms”. These “symptoms” range from emotional transformation and physical sensations, to those of you having a large shift in abundance and many of you have experienced quite a few souls around you choosing to depart at this time. As you, the Lightworkers, on Planet Earth, strive to raise the consciousness of humanity; you are raising the vibrational frequencies far and wide across your beautiful Gaia. This work that you are doing is greatly appreciated and many wonderful expressions of Love and Gratitude are coming to you from your Universal Light Source, Great Spirit, God, Creator of All. There are so many of you that have chosen to partake in this miraculous transformation, The Company of Heaven wishes to thank you. On the 9th of the 9th of 2009 we are sending a great surge of Light Energy to you. This influx of Light is to replenish the reserves that you have been relying on as you have stretched yourselves, some beyond your limit. We see many of you reaching a physical boundary. In your humanness, there are physical limitations still present at this time. These are not to be feared or thought of to be permanent. With the elevation of the frequencies on your planet, your genetic/DNA structures are changing. For some of you this has already started to occur, thus the physical discomfort that some of you have experienced. This will pass. As the energies become held steadfast in your planets heart center so will they be held in the heart center of humanity. Yes, you will see a great uprising to attempt to stifle the changes that are occurring on planet Earth, but with so many of you, already standing in the Light, there will be many to follow your lead and an overall restructuring will occur. You have come so far and we will be there to continue the journey with you. Seek Love in its purest form. Live from a place of Love that is centered in your heart space. Know that we are sending you everything you need to complete the task at hand. You are Loved, protected and provided for unconditionally by Source.
Shine On Brilliant Stars
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