Resisting the inevitable creates distortion in your personal vibrational frequency, a lack of focus in your purpose, and can result in physical and emotional pain. It is not our objective to observe you go through any un-necessary dis-comfort. It IS our desire to assist you in creating the life your heart truly desires.
If you break down what resistance really is, it is the ego, or the mind, taking control over the heart. It is the process of the thinking mind controlling the feeling heart. If you listen to the way you feel about a person, place, situation, or thing, you will find that any situation concerning these subjects can easily be sorted through and resolved in a Loving and peaceful way. This is true for personal and business relationships, as well as relations between cities, states, countries, and governments. This may sound very Light and easy, and we say Yes it is. Dramas, disagreements, arguments and wars are all manifestations of the egos involved, certainly not the heart spaces of those who are deliberating such things. When Presidents, and Prime Ministers, teachers and students, parents and children, and husbands and wives come together, and speak their truth from their heart, the outcome is beneficial to all parties involved. This is what this time of Ascension is all about. During this learning time you are raising the vibration of yourselves and your beautiful and amazing planet. There are some who are choosing to leave rather then make the necessary adjustments in their ways of being. Each one of you is solely responsible for your own Ascension. That is not to say that we are not here to assist you. Because, as we have stated in previous messages, as Children of God, you are held in the palm of the hand of the One who created you; and there you are Loved, Protected, and Provided for unconditionally and in Divine order. You are never alone.
Shine On Brilliant Stars
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