Is there really ever a “right” time, a “wrong” time? If time doesn’t truly exist then why do we put such a value on it?
In the presence of time, we see the sun rise and set, our work day start and end, and we race against time to meet “deadlines”. This lends to judging ourselves harshly, creating negative space, and solidifies the illusion that we are here on this planet to work hard for less than the abundance that we truly deserve. We have chained ourselves to the watchtower and have taken ourselves out of the natural rhythm of the planet we live on.
In the absence of time, we still see the sun rise and set but without the constraints and pressures of this mechanism that we as humans have created. Without mechanical time, we live according to the passage of the seasons and our bodies ebb and flow with the energies that come and go through them. There is a natural and comforting feeling that we get when we align with Mother Earth’s heartbeat. The planets all still revolve and the birds and other animals all survive without a watch, so can we, we did so once upon a time.
Now, I know that there are some of you out there saying, “Well this is all nice and sounds warm and fuzzy, but VERY unproductive.” “How can I create an abundant and profitable life without time?” First of all, abundance comes in many forms, and you would be amazed at how much easier your day would flow if you stopped “racing against” time. Make it work for you. We are headed back to a complimentary existence. Mother Earth is teaching us some very harsh lessons right now. If we listen with our hearts and we begin to get back into the rhythm that she guides us with we will be able to not only heal ourselves but begin to help her heal as well.
Below are some practices to help you to get back into that natural flow.
1. Before you jump out of bed to the screeching of the alarm clock, give thanks for all of the incredible blessings in your life right now. Even if things aren’t exactly as you would have them at the moment, by giving thanks for what you do have Universe sees that you are open and accepting of more.
2. Stop throughout the day to take notice of the beauty around you. This will assist you in appreciating the essence of Mother Earth’s grandeur and this raises your personal vibration immensely.
3. Before you lay your head to rest at night, recognize the achievements you had during the day and how you were blessed by Gaia.
This experience here on Earth is to be cherished and savoured not rushed through and looked upon as a chore. We are only here for a very short while, enjoy the journey.
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