Why do some people experience exponential growth as a painful experience?
The answer is resistance. Resistance is the greatest tool of the ego or as some call it the “self”. Through this, the ego reinforces that growth is unnecessary; that we are “just fine” right where we are. The ego or “self” is the master at thinking small. It would completely stifle our soul growth if we give it the power to do that. It uses the challenges that we face, due to the growth stage, as examples of the suffering we might face if we step out of the box. All of this misinformation that is sent into our energetic field causes a lowering of our personal vibration; which we then perceive as yet another failure. When in fact, it is not a mistake or failure it is merely another step in our evolutionary process of ascension.
When we take a step back and look that the situation at hand, we see that our soul already knows the final outcome and all is in perfect and divine order. We made choices, at soul level, before we were birthed on to this planet. These choices are recorded and held for us to access when we are at the vibrational frequency that is aligned with each new experience. Growth can be painful, but it need not be the cause of suffering. We choose to grow and expand. We can also choose to suffer. It is always, our choice.
In these moments of great change and exponential growth our best defence against the trials of the ego is meditation. In that quite space we can hear our Soul above the noise of the ego’s rambling and discern for ourselves what the next move is to be. Finding even just 20 minutes of time, to be still and quite, to allow the mind to discharge and disconnect from the everyday noise will provide greater focus and balance of thought and action. Realizing that the changes that are occurring around us are a direct reflection of our personal vibration is a magnificent window into the why and how of our current situation. This sacred space that we hold with our higher self is a gift to our human form.
Are you allowing yourself the space to grow . . . or are your falling into the traps of the ego? These traps look and sound like this.
1. The VICTIM - “I can’t believe they could do that to me!”
2. The QUITTER – “That’s ok, I wasn’t ready for that anyway.”
3. The UNWORTHY ONE – “I could never be all that.”
These are just some of the tricks that the ego uses to keep us believing that we are separate from our true and magnificent selves. Don’t be fooled. You are more powerful and more magnificent than you have ever imagined. You are a child of the Universe AND you are YOUnified with all that it is.
Shine On Brilliant Stars
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