A World Without Judgement
Can you imagine a world without judgement? There wouldn’t be any wars, no need for jails, hate would be eliminated and Love would be the operating system we based our lives on instead of fear. Is it possible? YES!
Ok, so then if hate would be eliminated then how would there be a balance between light and dark, good an evil? Would it be necessary to “find that balance or would it just exist? Would our shadow side be something we needed to rectify or would it just be an accepted part of who we are? Would we still have the ability to recognize our ego and its purpose of control and the distortion of the connection between our innate being and our human form? Would we need to recognize that at all?
Judgement is an insidious concept on so many levels. It causes stress, physical and emotional pain as well as dividing us from each other. It blinds us to the fact that we are spiritual beings in human form who are all in perfect and divine order. Where and when did we start to judge ourselves? How did we get from being diving beings of Light to physical beings who can no longer see the magnificence within ourselves and others?
Judgement stepped in when we forgot how to be compassionate. Compassion is the polar opposite to judgement as fear is the polar opposite to Love. When we truly live from a place of Love and compassion we cannot judge anyone or anything. Love is unconditional. Love sees past the fear and allows us to treat each other with kindness and acceptance. Experiencing life from this perspective, there are no mistakes only lessons learned. There would be no betrayal because there would be no need for conditional acceptance. Parents would see their children as divine beings of creation instead of possessions that they had control over. Value systems would be appreciated and accepted so the need for war and violence would be non- entities. Although, some may contend that value systems are based on personal judgements, and I can see the validity in that.
To be able to create a world without judgment we would need to have a huge restructuring of life as we know it today, but it is possible. If we each took a look at what and who we are judging right in this very moment and re-evaluated the situation from a perspective of acceptance, compassion, and Love, the world would look quite different I believe.
This may be a rant or a heartfelt expression of compassion and empathy for those who are bound to the constructs of fear and judgement, or it may be a judgement about judgement, who’s to say any way?
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