To Charge or Not to Charge . . .
There has been a shift in the consciousness around the concept of charging for giving spiritual guidance, providing readings, and performing energetic healings of any form. Is this because we are coming closer to a time when the current monetary system will become obsolete? Is this a challenge coming from within ourselves about the value we hold, or don’t hold, in regards to spiritual teachings and what each of us has to offer as a healer? Or is this a pattern of self-denial and martyrdom that has been carried into some of our cellular level awareness?
Our current monetary system is there, no doubt. We have been funnelled into the belief system that we pay for food, utilities, shelter, medical services, beauty services, as well as plumbing, electrical, transportation, entertainment, etc. There are those who would argue that you can grow your own food, go into the bush and build your own shelter, create your own entertainment. That is all very possible, but how would that enable ones who are searching for empowerment, energetic healing, or spiritual guidance to access those who have that knowledge and experience to share?
Challenges in regards to how we value ourselves and what we have to offer the world are reflected to us in various ways. If there is a belief within yourself and you are giving that belief energy, the Universe will provide you the mirror image of that belief so that you can discern for yourself if it is serving your highest good or not. If there is a question within you about the value of what you have to offer then the value you give to your service will reflect that. Your beliefs about what others should be charging for their services is a judgement based on how your value yourself and what you have to offer.
There have been those who have spoken out about spiritual gifts being just that, a gift; and that these gifts should be given freely, for free. That is a beautiful sentiment, but somewhat unrealistic in this current monetary construct we exist in. It is a blessing to live and work in your purpose. If that purpose provides healing for those who are seeking it, why would it be wrong to charge for it, as long as you are providing this service authentically and with integrity? Say someone is extremely gifted in art and they give all of their artwork away without charging for it. How are they to survive in this world? How are they to pay for more art supplies to create more art to share with the world? Their gift is their ability to express emotion and messages through their innate artistic ability. How does that differ from someone who has developed their gift of “sight” or “hearing” or the ability to be a channelle for Universal energy to assist in healing? From the beginning of time healers have been compensated in some way for their services because there always has to be some kind of energetic exchange for there to be balance in the equation. Money is energy. The exchange of that energy serves to solidify the value of the healing for the one who has received it. So many have had the experience, whether they call it past-life or inter-dimensional, of being poor, or taking vows of poverty and chastity, or being persecuted for being prosperous and abundant. When these energies are prevalent in their energetic field their perception of the energy of money, can be skewed and their ability to value what they have to offer can be restricted. When these energies are removed from their energetic field, they can operate with authenticity and integrity in offering their services while charging an appropriate and customary fee.
If healers are to continue to do their work, they need to be accessible to the general population to be facilitators of change. The exchange of the energy of money does not lessen the purity of intent if it truly exists in the first place. The energetic exchange of money merely serves as a way to make them more available to serve more people.
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