Sunday, January 29, 2012

Your Energy, Your Responsibility

Personal Energy is a sacred thing and should be treated as such.  It is not something to be treated with disrespect and it certainly is NOT to be projected at others.
We are all personally responsible for the condition of our life force energy and what we do with it. In caring for our own energy we must nurture and cleanse our energy.  The care and feeding of our energy is vital to the health and wellbeing of our human bodies.  When we overdo it, or if there is an extended period of exponential growth; without the proper care we can become depleted and our physical wellbeing can become compromised. When we become depleted, our vibration is lowered and we are subject to lower vibrating or dense energies which only serves to create stress, anxiety, and depression can result.

“The Law of Cause and Effect: Every action or thought has an effect or consequence. The nature of that effect depends upon the nature of the cause. If the cause is "good", the effect will be "good". If the cause comes from negative thoughts or evil, the results will be equally negative or evil. We reap what we sow. If a person sows evil, they will eventually reap what they have sown. Freedom from the Law of Karma requires us to be unattached to the results of our actions, provided we perform them with good intentions, following Divine Law.

I reference the Law of Cause and Effect in regards to the projection of one’s personal energy onto or “at” another human being.  This “practice” is NOT exempt from this Universal Law and it links to the Law of Attraction’s premise; like attracts like.  If your intentions are authentic and come from a place of Love and you are sending Healing and Love that has been requested by the one you are sending it to, then that is what you will receive. If you are intending on sending or projecting energy for the purpose of impeding another’s growth or for the purpose of creating pain or illness at another human being, you WILL attract the same.

We are all energy, we are all spiritual beings having a human experience, all we NEED is Love.

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