Monday, December 26, 2011
New Patterns, New Year
Friday, December 23, 2011
It's your move . . .
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Our Physical Bodies and Vibration
Monday, October 10, 2011
Calling All Lightworkers ~ "We ARE a force that can shake the whole world"
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Life Path # 7
Life Path # 7
You are the searcher and the seeker of the truth. You have a clear and compelling sense of yourself as a spiritual being . As a result, your life path is devoted to investigations into the unknown, and finding the answers to the mysteries of life. You are well-equipped to handle your task. You possess a fine mind; you are an analytical thinker, capable of great concentration and theoretical insight. You enjoy research, and putting the pieces of an intellectual puzzle together. Once you have enough pieces in place, you are capable of highly creative insight and practical solutions to problems. You enjoy your solitude and prefer to work alone. You need time to contemplate your ideas without the intrusion of other people's thoughts. You are a lone wolf, a person who lives by his own ideas and methods. As a result, close associations are difficult for you to form and keep, especially marriage. You need your space and privacy, which, when violated, can cause you great frustration and irritation. When your life is balanced, however, you are both charming and attractive. You can be the life of a party, and enjoy performing before an audience. You enjoy displaying your wit and knowledge, which makes you attractive to others, especially the opposite sex. But you have distinct limits. While you are generous in social situations, sharing your attention and energy freely, you are keenly aware of the need to "come off stage" and return to the solitude of your lair. You associate peace with the unobtrusive privacy of your world. Therefore, intimacy is difficult for you, because you guard your inner world like a mother lion does her cubs. All this privacy and aloneness can cause isolation and loneliness, however. You can be aware of an emptiness in your life, a part of you that yearns for company and close companionship that may be unsatisfied. If isolation is brought to the extreme, you can become cynical and suspicious. You can develop hidden, selfish motives, which people may sense and may cause them discomfort around you. You must guard against becoming too withdrawn and independent, thus shutting out the love of others and keeping you from experiencing the true joy of friendship and close companionship. You must especially watch out for selfishness and egocentricity, thinking of yourself as the centre of the universe, the only person who really matters. Social contact gives you perspective on yourself and on life, while too much isolation can make you too narrow and even shut off from the rest of the world. Secretly, you may feel jealous of the easy relationships formed by others; you may perceive others as less inhibited than you, or freer to express themselves. You may harshly criticize yourself for not being more gregarious, powerful, or capable of greater leadership. Your challenge in life is to maintain your independence without feeling isolated or ineffectual. You must hold fast to your unique view on the world, while at the same time being open to others and the knowledge they have to offer.
With your abilities to learn, analyse, seek out answers to life's important questions, you have the potential for enormous growth and success in life. By the time you reach middle age, you will radiate refinement and wisdom. Pythagoras loved the seven for its great spiritual potential.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Crystal of the Day
Monday, September 12, 2011
A World Without Judgement

A World Without Judgement
Can you imagine a world without judgement? There wouldn’t be any wars, no need for jails, hate would be eliminated and Love would be the operating system we based our lives on instead of fear. Is it possible? YES!
Ok, so then if hate would be eliminated then how would there be a balance between light and dark, good an evil? Would it be necessary to “find that balance or would it just exist? Would our shadow side be something we needed to rectify or would it just be an accepted part of who we are? Would we still have the ability to recognize our ego and its purpose of control and the distortion of the connection between our innate being and our human form? Would we need to recognize that at all?
Judgement is an insidious concept on so many levels. It causes stress, physical and emotional pain as well as dividing us from each other. It blinds us to the fact that we are spiritual beings in human form who are all in perfect and divine order. Where and when did we start to judge ourselves? How did we get from being diving beings of Light to physical beings who can no longer see the magnificence within ourselves and others?
Judgement stepped in when we forgot how to be compassionate. Compassion is the polar opposite to judgement as fear is the polar opposite to Love. When we truly live from a place of Love and compassion we cannot judge anyone or anything. Love is unconditional. Love sees past the fear and allows us to treat each other with kindness and acceptance. Experiencing life from this perspective, there are no mistakes only lessons learned. There would be no betrayal because there would be no need for conditional acceptance. Parents would see their children as divine beings of creation instead of possessions that they had control over. Value systems would be appreciated and accepted so the need for war and violence would be non- entities. Although, some may contend that value systems are based on personal judgements, and I can see the validity in that.
To be able to create a world without judgment we would need to have a huge restructuring of life as we know it today, but it is possible. If we each took a look at what and who we are judging right in this very moment and re-evaluated the situation from a perspective of acceptance, compassion, and Love, the world would look quite different I believe.
This may be a rant or a heartfelt expression of compassion and empathy for those who are bound to the constructs of fear and judgement, or it may be a judgement about judgement, who’s to say any way?
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Crystal of the Day
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Crystal of the Day
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Exponential Growth

Why do some people experience exponential growth as a painful experience?
The answer is resistance. Resistance is the greatest tool of the ego or as some call it the “self”. Through this, the ego reinforces that growth is unnecessary; that we are “just fine” right where we are. The ego or “self” is the master at thinking small. It would completely stifle our soul growth if we give it the power to do that. It uses the challenges that we face, due to the growth stage, as examples of the suffering we might face if we step out of the box. All of this misinformation that is sent into our energetic field causes a lowering of our personal vibration; which we then perceive as yet another failure. When in fact, it is not a mistake or failure it is merely another step in our evolutionary process of ascension.
When we take a step back and look that the situation at hand, we see that our soul already knows the final outcome and all is in perfect and divine order. We made choices, at soul level, before we were birthed on to this planet. These choices are recorded and held for us to access when we are at the vibrational frequency that is aligned with each new experience. Growth can be painful, but it need not be the cause of suffering. We choose to grow and expand. We can also choose to suffer. It is always, our choice.
In these moments of great change and exponential growth our best defence against the trials of the ego is meditation. In that quite space we can hear our Soul above the noise of the ego’s rambling and discern for ourselves what the next move is to be. Finding even just 20 minutes of time, to be still and quite, to allow the mind to discharge and disconnect from the everyday noise will provide greater focus and balance of thought and action. Realizing that the changes that are occurring around us are a direct reflection of our personal vibration is a magnificent window into the why and how of our current situation. This sacred space that we hold with our higher self is a gift to our human form.
Are you allowing yourself the space to grow . . . or are your falling into the traps of the ego? These traps look and sound like this.
1. The VICTIM - “I can’t believe they could do that to me!”
2. The QUITTER – “That’s ok, I wasn’t ready for that anyway.”
3. The UNWORTHY ONE – “I could never be all that.”
These are just some of the tricks that the ego uses to keep us believing that we are separate from our true and magnificent selves. Don’t be fooled. You are more powerful and more magnificent than you have ever imagined. You are a child of the Universe AND you are YOUnified with all that it is.
Shine On Brilliant Stars
Friday, August 26, 2011
What time is it?

Is there really ever a “right” time, a “wrong” time? If time doesn’t truly exist then why do we put such a value on it?
In the presence of time, we see the sun rise and set, our work day start and end, and we race against time to meet “deadlines”. This lends to judging ourselves harshly, creating negative space, and solidifies the illusion that we are here on this planet to work hard for less than the abundance that we truly deserve. We have chained ourselves to the watchtower and have taken ourselves out of the natural rhythm of the planet we live on.
In the absence of time, we still see the sun rise and set but without the constraints and pressures of this mechanism that we as humans have created. Without mechanical time, we live according to the passage of the seasons and our bodies ebb and flow with the energies that come and go through them. There is a natural and comforting feeling that we get when we align with Mother Earth’s heartbeat. The planets all still revolve and the birds and other animals all survive without a watch, so can we, we did so once upon a time.
Now, I know that there are some of you out there saying, “Well this is all nice and sounds warm and fuzzy, but VERY unproductive.” “How can I create an abundant and profitable life without time?” First of all, abundance comes in many forms, and you would be amazed at how much easier your day would flow if you stopped “racing against” time. Make it work for you. We are headed back to a complimentary existence. Mother Earth is teaching us some very harsh lessons right now. If we listen with our hearts and we begin to get back into the rhythm that she guides us with we will be able to not only heal ourselves but begin to help her heal as well.
Below are some practices to help you to get back into that natural flow.
1. Before you jump out of bed to the screeching of the alarm clock, give thanks for all of the incredible blessings in your life right now. Even if things aren’t exactly as you would have them at the moment, by giving thanks for what you do have Universe sees that you are open and accepting of more.
2. Stop throughout the day to take notice of the beauty around you. This will assist you in appreciating the essence of Mother Earth’s grandeur and this raises your personal vibration immensely.
3. Before you lay your head to rest at night, recognize the achievements you had during the day and how you were blessed by Gaia.
This experience here on Earth is to be cherished and savoured not rushed through and looked upon as a chore. We are only here for a very short while, enjoy the journey.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Homelessness and Youth ~ Enablement VS. EMPOWERMENT

This is the speech I am about to present to the top 300+ CEO's of Sydney, AU. This problem is a global problem, but it is not a challenge that cannot be fixed.
The end of 2009 beginning of 2010 seems like a lifetime away for me. So much has happened since then. It’s been a huge year all around. We have seen devastating earthquakes and tsunami’s, volcanic eruptions, up’s and down’s in the stock market, and all the while the numbers of homeless people, right here in Sydney, are continuing to grow. You are all about to get a taste of what it is like to sleep outside for the night, but to be honest, and I am sure you are all aware, that your experience tonight does not compare to what it is like to be out there night after night, day after day.
Over the last year, I have had some extraordinary experiences, two of which I would like to share with you tonight.
First, is the 8 weeks that I spent with youths in Hurstville, NSW. I was shown what it was like to be anywhere from 14 to 21 years of age, forced out of your home and out on to the streets by parents who were either too busy, or too emotionally unstable to care for their children. These kids let me into their world so I could better understand their needs. What I found was heart wrenching. I learned quickly that most of these kids had been in the “system” for quite a while, and yes, some of them had learned how to manipulate it very well. I also learned of how severe the need continues to be, for emergency shelters, mental health services, and education, for not only the kids, but for the communities that they are being abandoned in.
Ok, so you say we can’t fix it all, it will take time. I get that, but these kids don’t have time. They are out there being abused and neglected. They are facing drugs and alcohol as a way of escaping the life that they feel they have no control over.
It’s not about a free ticket. Being on centrelink as an adolescent just sets them up for a life of being enabled. We need to find ways to empower these kids. Getting them off the streets and into safe housing with programs that will teach them how to find the magnificence within themselves is a great start to breaking the cycle of homelessness and substance abuse that has been going on for generations.
The second experience that I would like to share with you is about the time I spent with a young man named Donnie.
Donnie was 18 years old and homeless, spending his nights and days on George St. I was working on Goulburn st, and everyday I would see this young man huddled in the corner trying to keep warm. After being here last year with you all, I could not just walk by him. I stopped and asked him if he had eaten and he said not for a couple of days. So I bought him breakfast and we sat down and he told me about himself. Donnie had come up from Melbourne for work but once he arrived here in Sydney, the work dried up and he had no way to get back home. One night I saw him and he was so sick he could barely stand up. So I got him into an internet café for the night because there wasn’t any room in the men’s shelter. He had a fever and was pretty dehydrated, so I bought him some juice and panadol and a sandwhich that he could eat when he felt up to it. Donnie and I repeatedly tried to get him into the men’s shelter but it was consistently full. There just wasn’t enough room. There just aren’t enough facilities.
There are so many more people that I have met over the past year, mum’s and children, husbands and wives, single men and women, and yes even children out there on their own.
What you are doing here tonight is incredibly important; and believe me I know the value of what St. Vincent De Paul and places like Amelie House is. Without their assistance women like myself, might still be out there on the streets, and moving from couch to couch alienating friends and family. But because of the work that is being done here tonight, we can continue to make a difference.
So what is my goal for this year, you ask . . .
I have created a workshop for teens that speaks in their language that encompasses their music and their culture so that they can easily assimilate the message. And my message is, that they are all incredible and magnificent human beings. Each with their own strengths and weaknesses but they all have the right and the ability to be anything and everything they can dream of.
I am working on making this a multi-media event that I can take to the schools, to the communities, and to anyone who will listen, because our kids are our future and if we don’t lead by example, they will have nothing to follow. This is my dream, and I believe that dreams do come true.
So, tonight I thank you from the bottom of my heart, for the assistance that not only I received almost 2 years ago now, but for your participation and generosity tonight.
I look forward to seeing you all again next year to celebrate our victories and once again find better ways of serving those who need our help.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Recognizing Flow
Recognizing Flow
When you hear about being in the state of flow, what does that mean to you? What are the circumstances that show you that you are experiencing flow? Where and how does it feel? Can you pinpoint a place in your body that is like your barometer of flow for you?
Being in a state of flow means different things to different people; it is all based on what or who they are aligned with and where their focus is. If you are focused on relationships, your state of flow might reflect the condition of your current relationships and if you are continuing to attract the same qualities in meeting new people. Are you attracting people who support your current relationships and add value to your life? If the focus is on creating financial wealth, the state of flow would be reflected in the amount and quality of opportunities presenting themselves; as well as what the outcomes of these opportunities are. Are you truly in alignment with the type of financial wealth you are wanting to create? What are the types of opportunities that are coming to you reflecting to you? Are they moving you forward or are they showing you that you have not yet set your standards high enough?
When we are in flow, it looks as though everything is working. Our emotional life is stable, we are physically healthy and we feel a sense of joy about our lives. Our body reacts to outside stimuli in an appropriate and concise manner. Our health, our mind, and our spirit all benefit from these abundant times. In turn, our health, mind, and spirit also tell us when we are not in flow, when we are out of alignment, out of flow. Usually, there is one area of your body, one body system that will signal you when you are in and out of flow. For some the heart and throat chakras are the indicators, other people report their solar plexus and abdominal chakras to be the areas that communicate this to them. To be able to recognize this takes practice. You must find the awareness of the messages that your body is sending to you, correlate these messages with your current situation, and you will soon learn how your body reacts to being in and out of flow.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Physical Contact and Judgememt

How is it, that one can be so spiritually developed but yet still have the “need” for physical contact you ask? Is this “need” related to an issue of lack, or is it simply a basic human need. It is only when you, as a human, judge your physical interactions as immoral, that you cause yourself distress and anxiety about your actions. We would say that your in-action on the topic of your desire is what leads you to create situations that your soul is not in alignment with. Thus, you feel the dissonance in the vibration of the event and your fear of not being regarded as moral causes you to judge yourself and others who have participated in this behaviour.
Of course, in your human form, you have physical desire for touch, stimulation, sex, caressing and the like. This is normal. It serves you in many ways. It grounds you, gives your body hormones that are necessary for balanced functions of your brain, heart, and various other organs, not to mention keeping your body flexible and your joints well lubricated. But what of the mental distress you cause yourself through judgement?
Expectation, attachment, and judgement are all related. If you decide to fill your need for physical contact with an experience and then condemn yourself for it, why do it in the first place? Wasn’t the point to bring a bit of pleasure into your life? When you engage in any aspect of Love, whether it be physical or emotional, and you carry expectations into the interaction, you are setting yourself up for disappointment, and this interaction is coming from a place of an imbalance within yourself. Not to mention that this type of interaction is not unconditional. The conditions of, “If I engage with you and you don’t continue to spend time with me, I will not keep you in my life”; and the like, create an imbalance within your heart space not only for yourself, but towards the others.
Next time you have this desire, be sure to ask yourself, “Am I craving physical contact, or the feeling of Love that physical contact brings?” If it is the comfort and pleasure that physical stimulation brings and you decide to act upon that desire, be sure to leave expectation and attachment at the door. This will alleviate the “morning after syndrome”. If it is the feeling of Love that you are seeking, evaluate the external situation, and then decide if engaging in physical contact will give you that feeling. If not and you are willing to seek another way to fill that void, go for it.
Save yourself heartache and self-degradation, be true to who you are, and SHINE.
Shine On Brilliant Stars
Arch Angel Gabriel
Channelled through Constance Fairleight.
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.
—The Kybalion
It IS within each and every one of you to master your own personal vibration. It is a conscious choice to re-program your thought and speech patterns. It all starts with the intention to create positive change in your life.
The words you choose to express your particular situation are the outward representation of the level of vibration you are currently operating at. When you choose words such as “I am trapped. . .” “I hate my life. . . “ “My family has deserted me . . .” These words reflect a vibration that is slow and dense, a vibration that is not in alignment with energies that are used in creating forward movement in your life. You may feel trapped, deserted, and even resentful for the current condition of your life, but when you start to change the way you speak about these situations you begin to take back your personal power. By taking responsibility for the vibrational output of the words you use and the thoughts behind them, you are making the first step in creating the life you truly desire.
So you are asking, “How do I change the words I use if the feelings haven’t changed?” Ok here is an example. A person is in an abusive relationship and wants to get out of that situation, but when they speak about their position in the relationship they say things like, “I am trapped and I have no way out.” “I can’t leave . . . I have nowhere to go.”
These words lend themselves to victim energy, which is a very low vibrating energy and allows those who align themselves with it, to manifest more of the same. To begin to create forward movement out of any situation you need to begin to think about it from a place of a higher vibrational frequency. This is the first step to creating positive change in your life. When you say, “I am trapped and I have no way out.” You are! If you change your mindset and the words you use, to reflect the desire for change, you might say, “This is a challenge that I will overcome.” You will!
This takes practice and diligence to re-pattern your thoughts and choice of words. It is possible to take back control of the energy that you are putting into your words. It starts with changing your perspective on how you think and how you express your thoughts and feelings.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
There is More to This Than a Goodbye

There is more to this than just a goodbye.
Each tear that has been shed has fallen into the sea of immeasurable change.
Each step that was taken was one more step away from fear, and one more step toward who I AM.
When you look into my eyes you will not see who you knew then, but the woman who I have become.
Each gift that has come at a price was well worth the cost.
Each lesson learned through pain and heartache is now recognized to be truly valued.
The moment I looked into the mirror and I saw someone I didn’t know, I knew it was time for change.
Each time I blamed myself; I took on your responsibility and became the victim.
Each time I cried out for help, I forgot to look within first.
I am no longer searching for what is without, I know with all certainty that all I need is within.
There is more to this than a goodbye, there is ultimate appreciation for all that I have.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
2011 ~ A New Start
Welcome to 2011. This year looks to have already started with such an incredible energy. The first day of this year had a date which will not be seen for another one hundred years. 01/ 01/ 11 are perfect numbers for a clean start.
With the energy the way it is here on Earth now, if you are even remotely aware, you cannot help but feel the new energy. There is a sense of great expectation and true faith that the Universe is providing for all. This year promises to bring increased health and well being, an abundance of Love, Light, responsibility and joy.
I am an Intuitive who specializes in helping people to strengthen the connection to their soul choices so they may live the life that they truly desire. Over the following months it will be my goal to assist those who are ready to move forward through this blog and through personal consultations. If you are ready to commit to personal growth, wish to gain focus, clarity of purpose, and personal empowerment, and feel that my work will benefit you in your journey then contact me either through Facebook, email
or by mobile phone at +61431 289 503. I am available by phone, internet, and or in-person consultations.
I look forward to serving you and your highest good.
Many Blessings and much Love,
Constance Fairleight