Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Ego, The Mind, and Manifestation

Some say the ego is the thing that drives us that the ego is what protects us, and the ego makes us stronger. There are theories that the mind controls the ego, that the mind is the stronger of the two, and that the mind in all of its infinite wisdom, determines what the ego is allowed to do.

If you are reading this, your ego has probably served you well so far. You have completed a certain level of education that allows you to read, write, and communicate with the rest of the human beings on this amazing planet, because your ego would not allow you to fail at school. That is one way the ego does serve us very well. In this example, the ego has not only driven you to a level of success in your education, it has protected you from what some may consider being an embarrassing situation, illiteracy. So now, because you can read, write, and communicate you feel strong enough to go out into the world and pursue that position that you have been looking at. You are now a productive part of society, BUT…what the ego forgot to tell you is that you could have gone so much further, that now that you have all of these wonderful skills, you could become an author, or a artist, a teacher, or a Quantum Physics professor, it forgot to ask you what your Soul purpose is; and that is because it is very happy with the status quo. The ego is the voice in your head that says, “Well sure you’d love that million dollar estate in Bronte, but look at what you already have. You have a roof over your head, 2.3 children, a decent car…you should be grateful for what you have.” The ego does serve us to a certain extent, but it is also what holds us back. It is what creates boredom and suggests to us that we “settle” for what we have. It is definitely NOT a tool in manifesting your Soul urge.

The mind is an extremely important tool that we have been given. According to Dr. Tad James, we have two minds, the conscious and the unconscious minds. The unconscious mind is what runs your body; it is what makes your heart beat, it moves you lungs so you can breathe, causes your eyes to blink, and controls the lymphatic system of your body. It is also the centre for everything that you have ever learned. The unconscious mind is where we store all of our memories. Yes, learning must go through our conscious mind, but it is stored in our unconscious mind. The conscious mind is the part of us that shows the world who we are. It is what enables us to communicate with that person who is standing in front of us, and it is the part of the mind that the ego wants rapport with. The ego wants to control the conscious mind so that it can manipulate us into believing that it knows best and it will deceive us by trying to create a relationship with our consciousness. This is where the unconscious mind is a life saver. It wants rapport with the conscious mind, it wants to assist us with change, it knows our purpose, and it is intrinsically connected to our Soul.

In the process of manifestation, or what I refer to as “Intention + Inspired Action”, the ego is an obstacle, the mind an assistant, and the Soul the source of inspiration. We can choose to listen to the voice of the ego and remain in a life that we are content with, or we can choose to explore our Soul purpose and live a life of bliss.

Constance Fairleight is the author of “Creating the Life You Truly Desire”. This is a program for those who want to make positive change in their lives and who are willing to take the necessary action steps to achieve their goals. Constance can be reached at +61431 289 503 or you can email her at for more information about the course, public speaking engagements, and personal consultations.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Connection and the Illusion of Lack Thereof

There are times in all of your lives when you have asked, “Where is God?” or if you have a more Universal philosophy, “Am I alone in this Universe?” Everyone in the course of their spiritual and emotional growth has experienced a sense of disconnectedness from Source. Source being your higher power, the One who created you, God, Universe, Allah, there are many names given to this energy. You ask these questions in times where you are deeply challenged, when your strength, courage, determination and faith are being tested. It is ironic that your doubt, or sense of disconnection becomes most prevalent in your MIND when it is in those times when you are Loved, Supported and Provided for the most. The illusion of lack in your connection to your higher power through your higher self, is based on the fear of inevitable change, and it is the MIND that holds this fear, not your Soul. Your Soul knows that you are never separate, that you are one with the entire cosmos. YOU are just as much a part of the CREATOR as the CREATOR is part of YOU.

So, how does this illusion ever serve you? On one level, the recognition of the feeling within your body of how the supposed disconnect feels is a tool that you are given as a pattern interrupt. This sensation creates a shift in your thought patterns. It creates a space for reflection on your life in its present form. It is like an energetic “STOP” sign. Here you have the chance to stop the merry go round of your life and see what this feeling of doubt is truly representing. On another level, it is another chance to strengthen the connection between your human self and your Soul. Yes, the perceived disconnection IS an illusion, but it is one that appears very real on Earth. These moments of self doubt, doubt in the presence of something greater than you in your human form, feelings of depression and anxiety, are all indicators that your heart is aching to rebuild that connection. Ultimately, the reconnection is possible instantaneously. You only need to open your heart to your Soul and Universe will do the rest.

It is your birthright as a Child of God, a creation of the Universe, to be held in the palm of the hand of the One who created you, and there you are Loved, Protected, and Provided for unconditionally.

So know that you are NEVER alone, you are Loved beyond words, and that everything is in perfect and Divine order.

Shine On Brilliant Stars

Monday, March 15, 2010

A Prayer of Appreciation and Forgiveness

A Prayer of Appreciation and Forgiveness

I appreciate the moments when I can look at a situation, and with blessed assistance rectify any misguided interactions that have occurred.

It is not with malice or judgment that these corrections are made. It is with faith in the Creator, and the strength of my conviction, that I choose Love.

I give thanks and appreciation to my Creator, and the Company of Heaven for all of the blessings they bestow on myself and my Loved ones.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

What lies beyond the incessant self betrayal? Is it the awakening of the Heart? Is it the manifestation of the life you truly desire?

Why do you as Children of God self-limit yourselves? YOU have been created to be the creators. YOU have been given the gift of choice, free will. Since it is yours to choose the life you lead why then do you make such harsh choices as human beings, when your Soul choices are intensely miraculous.

It is only when your earthly choices do not match the vibration of your Soul choices that your lives are complicated and you “suffer”.

So then I beg this question of you. Is the road to the beautiful life your heart desires an uphill climb, a swim upstream? Why do you choose this? It is not the aim of the Company of Heaven to make you work harder for what you want. It is only in your lack of faith in yourselves and in the wonder of the Universe that you cause this struggle. We say be gentle with yourselves. Love yourselves like no other, as you are Loved from above and beyond. Create, relax, enjoy, and above all things follow your heart.

Shine On Brilliant Stars

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Shift Within Me

There is something that is shifting within me. I am coming to terms with the fact that all of this learning, the pain, the joy, the Loves, the challenges, the devastating losses, the inter-continental moves, the physical and emotional restructuring, have all been part of the re-birth of who I am. Each experience has given me a tool, another piece of “weaponry”, to add to the arsenal that I will use to assist me in creating the life I truly deserve.

There are moments when the clarity is surreal; when there is no doubt and everything fits into place perfectly. That is when I know that I am in complete rapport with my higher self. I am totally and utterly present with my Soul. This is when whatever I focus upon manifests very quickly and efficiently. Time stands still and all sound quiets its self so I can hear the guidance that I am receiving. What an amazing blessing these time are. I cannot express the intensity of the appreciation that I feel within my body. It resonates throughout my entire being. This is Love. Love of self, Love of this existence, Love of this amazing planet we live on, Love for all that I have yet to experience within the inner and outer Universes.

There are people in my life who have been placed there to teach me how to use these tools I have been given. They are here to guide me through the darkest places and shine Light into situations that I would have, in the past, run from. For the most part, I am fearless. I have walked through spaces in this life that most will never see. I know, with all certainty, that these were a part of the teachings of this life. I am incomplete and I honour that now. There are no mistakes. There is no coincidence. There is only the plan that we have laid out for ourselves before we incarnate on to this planet. We have chosen everything that we will encounter in this life; If not directly by choice, then through our actions in past incarnations that have acquired karmic debt that we have chosen to resolve. We are completely and utterly responsible for all of our thoughts and actions. There is nothing left to chance. We are the creators of our own destiny. Our Creator has given us this gift. Some call it freewill and add connotations of dissention against us if we use it. Freewill was given to us to be co-creators with our Creator in this life. It manifests as the ability to see the patterns of energy, feel the energetic connection between emotion and energy, and use it to benefit ourselves here on Earth. Freewill, personal choice and self-acceleration are all the same concept, the concept of growth. Growth is the result of having enough faith in yourself to take on your freewill and use it for your highest good. This is not to be confused with egoic action. The ego persistently prevents growth. This is in relation to spiritual and emotional growth. The ego is very happy just where it is, but only for as long as we allow it to control us.

It is time for us to move on, and continue the journey that is set before us. I am filled with blissful anticipation of the wonders that are filling my life path. Spread your wings and fly. Come join me as we raise the vibration of this planet one beautiful being at a time.

Artwork by Ashley Christudason

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


There are times in your life when you feel a limited amount of certainty. It is in these times when self awareness and personal growth are accelerated. Certainty is a need that leads you into needing or wanting variety. It is part of human nature to cycle through these needs. What serves you one day may not be what is required to serve you in your highest good the following day.

Your earthly experience is so diverse that you are in a constant cycle in regards to the order of your personal needs. This cyclical pattern facilitates growth and change. This is part of the creative process of life. Universe then responds to the pattern of the change and growth that you are focused upon. The Universe, God, Source energy, your higher power, will give you more of those experiences to assist you with continued forward growth in a fashion that will best serve you and your higher self.

There is no doubt that sometimes these experiences will "feel" somewhat out of the frequency that you are currently vibrating at. This is what you call "impetus for change" or "stepping out of your comfort zone". It does not matter if the experience, the actual situation, resonates lower than where you are presently. It's purpose is to bring about development to you in your human form from your higher self, thus bringing the two into balance. When your human self and your God-self are in alignment, your life flows with ease and grace. The road blocks disappear and you come back to the phase of certainty. The cycle continues.

Shine On Brilliant Stars

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Energy of Love

Not one of your are the same and yet you are all a part of the collective consciousness that you call God, Yahweh, Allah, Source, Universe, there are many names you give to the same essence. The best way we can describe this energy to you is in one word...Love. Love is the essence of creation. Everything comes from this energy. The Love of a mother or father for their child, the Love of a sibling for another, Love in the form of partnering with another being, but the most important form of Love is the Love of self.

Without this it is not possible to fully develop and engage in this energy without fear, and Universe will provide challenges for your growth and acceptance.

Parents who have not developed this basic expression of Love can be harsh, sometimes toxic for their children, and will not be able to give them the skills to move through their energy without some form of trauma to their heart space. If there is not a basis of Love that supports and nurtures these little souls, they will continue the patterns unless they find this Love in another form and are able to receive it and heal from it.

Seeking acceptance, needing approval and the inability to see the Love and beauty in the world around you is indicative of not having accepted Love of who and what you are. You are first a Child of God, a creation of a power greater than yourself. If you believe that you were created in the mirror image of that higher power, how can you defend not Loving that creator’s creation? If you have no ties to a creator, you still have the essence of Love within you simply because you exist. Your heart, your physical heart’s electromagnetic field is just as powerful as anyone else’s, and the human heart’s electromagnetic field is far more expansive than human brain’s electromagnetic field. This is the physical manifestation of the heart being more powerful than the mind.

Your Earth’s vibrational frequency is rising at an amazing rate and we are excited to see so many of you taking such amazing leaps of faith to create more and more Love.

You are magnificent beings, each and every one of you. Continue, with steadfast hearts, your journeys.

We are with you always, Loving, supporting, and nurturing you.

Shine On Brilliant Stars

Monday, January 4, 2010

There are times in my life that have burned their imprint in my mind…

My 7th birthday, my parents gave me surprise birthday party to celebrate my birthday and my release from a hospital …

The days my grandfather would sit on the basement steps and listen intently to me practicing my music…

When my first grandparent, my Mamie, passed away…

My first kiss…

The first time someone broke my heart….

The first time I looked into the eyes of the father of my child…

The day I was married to my daughter’s father…

Walking out on to the ice of the Philadelphia Spectrum to sing the American & Canadian national anthems in front of 17, 626 people…

The first time I totaled a car…

The day I was accepted into nursing school, but had to leave to take care of my mum…

Holding my mother’s hand as she passed away…

The blessed moment when I delivered Ivy Rose into this world…

Breast feeding my daughter…

Hearing Ivy’s first word….

My first trip to Australia…

Winning my first international sparring championship in Kempo Karate…

Ivy’s first day of school….

Moving to Australia and leaving the US behind…

Feeling my legs for the first time in 5 years….

Standing up for myself to the doctors who wanted to give me 18 more radiation treatments for breast cancer, when I knew I was healed…

Seeing my first client as an Energetic Healer…

Watching him take all of my material possessions and saying to him, “If it gives you joy, take it.”

Sitting the lounge, on the floor, with no lights on and feeling free…

Realizing that I have the most amazing friends, and that I am never alone…

Meeting you…

These moments have shaped my life, these memories will refine me, I hope I have learned from my mistakes, and that I will continue to cherish those beautiful moments of this life.

Life is what we make of it, we can choose to embrace it, or resist it. The choice is always ours…