Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Innate Language of the Soul ~ A Channelling From Arch Angel Gabriel

Freedom comes not from the process but through the feeling. For many the process starts with the intention and then moves towards the feeling. This is sufficient until the mind gets in the way. By the mind we say this with regards to having no connection with the heart, the soul.  When the mind invades the process, the heart and soul are displaced and the outcome is inauthentic, it becomes a form of disambiguation.

What is the process?  We speak of a recalibration of your Souls accumulated experience. What you know to be Ascension. What is a feeling? A feeling is the result of the process and you have found ways to give value and form to these “feelings”. Is a feeling and an emotion one in the same?  No. Feeling is a knowing, an emotion is energy in motion. When emotions are blocked or suppressed the result is a negative emotion. When the energy is allowed to move freely, the emotion is a positive emotion.  It may not “feel” positive.  It may even be painful, but through the process of experiencing the emotion the energy is used for the purpose of healing and moves the soul towards its final destination.

 You experience feelings when you are being guided to take action or inaction. You experience feelings when your Soul is speaking to you through your heart. You call this intuition we would say that it is your innate language, the language of your Soul.

Shine On Brilliant Stars