Monday, August 24, 2009


Inspiration comes in many forms and from many sources. Each and every day you create inspiring experiences to assist you in creating the life you are desiring. You may find inspiration in watching Nature unfold before your eyes. You may find inspiration in the words of another being. You may find inspiration in witnessing the random acts of kindness around you. All of these sources of inspiration are related to the higher vibrational frequencies of your existence. Inspiration can also be found in situations that are not what you would generally consider pleasant. When you find yourself in a challenging situation, what about that situation can you draw from, learn from, be inspired to exact change from? This is how you create a life that is based on finding the inspiration, the Joy in all events. It is not to say that you will never experience what you call pain. This “feeling” is a reminder to you to seek the knowledge that can be accessed by this experience. And when you can “see” the underlying message, or life lesson, find first the gratitude for the experience, then the Appreciation for it, and then move to the position of being the observer of your experience and see and feel the inspiration that has been made available to you. You are Children of God, blessed Creators, divine beings, who are just where your should be at just the right time. Love yourselves as you are Loved by your Creator.

Shine On Brilliant Stars

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